Contact us
If you're a member, employer, or looking to join Media Super, our team is here to help. Find the best way to contact us for your enquiry, whether it's by phone, online, email or mail.
Member Services normal hours of operation
Call 1800 640 886 and follow the prompts.
If you're calling from overseas, dial +61 2 8571 6500.
Our team can help you with questions about your super account, including investment options, insurance and advice.
- The Member Services team is available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT), except for national public holidays.
- Member Advice Services, providing limited personal advice are available between 8.30am and 6pm (AEST/AEDT).
Employer Services
Call 1800 640 886 and follow the prompts.
Our dedicated Employer Services team can help you with questions about your super responsibilities and admin and troubleshoot any issues you're having making payments.
- You'll need your ABN and the email address registered to your account.
- The Employer Services team is available Monday to Friday between 8am and 8pm (AEST/AEDT), except national public holidays.
Visit Us
Open 9am-5pm (local time), Monday to Friday
Level 19, 130 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne 3000
Check in with Wesley Place concierge on the ground floor. You will need to show ID to access the Melbourne front counter. Your driving licence, passport, Media Super member card are acceptable.
New South Wales
Open 8.30am-4.30pm (local time), Monday to Friday
Level 25, 44 Market Street, Sydney
Our office is on the corner of Market and York street and you need to enter the building via the York street entrance.
Open 8am-4pm (local time), Monday to Friday
Level 3A, 300 Adelaide Street, Brisbane
South Australia
Open 9am-5pm (local time), Monday to Friday
Level 16, 83 Pirie Street, Adelaide
Check in with concierge on the ground floor. All visitors will need to show ID to access the Adelaide front counter. Your driving licence, passport, Cbus member card or union card are acceptable.
Western Australia
Open 9am-4pm (local time), Monday to Friday
Level 1, 82 Royal Street, East Perth
General enquiries
For all general enquiries, send our team an online enquiry and we will be in touch.
Email or write to us
Email us at enq@mediasuper.com.au
If you need to send us a completed form or documents, please send them to:
Media Super
Locked Bag 5056
Parramatta NSW 2124
To contact the Privacy Officer or Complaints Officer, please write to the appropriate officer at the above address.
Accessing our Interpreter service is easy through Media Super
It’s important that our members can access information about their account and entitlements at any given time. We provide the tools to assist members who come from a non-English speaking background with an interpreter service.Our interpreter service
The interpreter service is available between 8:00am-8:00pm AEST/AEDT, Monday to Friday. The interpreter can speak with the member directly, or their chosen representative.
Step 1 – Call our service centre on 1800 640 886.
Step 2 – Ask to speak to an interpreter and have the member details handy.
Step 3 – It might take a few minutes but the Media Super consultant will get the interpreter on the phone.
Step 4 – Once the security checks are complete, the member and/or their representative can ask any questions about their account and the answers will be translated.
Languages available are:
- Arabic
- Chinese (simplified)
- Croatian
- Greek
- Filipino
- Korean
- Punjabi
- Vietnamese
Find your local Media Super Coordinator
Office Address
Level 19 (Reception)
130 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000Coordinator Phone Graeme Barlow 0400 045 448 Peter Muldeary 0419 594 794 Luke Petersen 0448 895 199 Eamonn Wolfe 0429 801 553 Gerard Benstead 0437 942 826 Nathan Stott 0419 500 465 Tim Jovic 0437 467 840 Glenn Musgrove 0401 990 024 New South Wales
Office Address
Level 25, 44 Market Street
Sydney NSW 2000Name Phone Mansour Razaghi 0439 658 017 David Curtain 0437 069 733 Michael Hopper 0439 073 265 Richard Dietmann 0429 449 078 Mark Greenfield 0409 798 686 Darren Taylor 0492 133 143 Robert (BOB) Byrne 0448 215 598 Ray Wynne 0448 726 305 Troy Davis 0484 282 962 Queensland
Office Address
Level 3A, 300 Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000Coordinator Phone Tracie Wilson 0448 950 708 Johnny Lomax 0437 954 187 Mick Huddy 0419 555 261 Ricky Luke 0498 456 574 North Queensland
Office Address
Unit 2 – 31 Thuringowa Drive
KIRWAN QLD 4817Name Phone Wal Giordani 0419 721 045 South Australia
Office Address
Level 16, 83 Pirie Street
Adelaide SA 5000Coordinator Phone Luigi Andreoli 0422 575 555 Philip Milne 0412 406 348 Western Australia
Office Address
Level 1, 82 Royal Street
East Perth WA 6004Coordinator Phone Don Fowlie 0417 971 593 Philip Milne 0412 406 348 Tasmania
No front counter service available
Coordinator Phone Michael Anderson 0477 381 987 ACT
Office Address
2 Badham Street
Dickson ACT 2602Coordinator Phone Adrien Baldwin 0437 014 529 Josh Nichol 0427 427 605 Northern Territory
Office Address
G01/29 Daly Street
Darwin NT 0800Coordinator Phone Luigi Andreoli 0422 575 555
Making a complaint
At Media Super we aim to provide the best service to our members and employers. If you’re unhappy with our service or products, it’s important we hear from you. Your feedback allows us to continually improve our processes, products and services to provide you with an even better experience and retirement outcome.