Super stapling – What it is and how it impacts you

Super stapling explained

From 1 November 2021, your existing active super account will be ‘stapled’ to you and follow you when you move from job to job.

When you start a new job, your employer may need to request your stapled super fund details from the ATO. Your employer will still offer you a choice of super fund and you can still change super funds at any time.

What is super stapling?

A stapled super fund is as an existing active super account which is linked, or ‘stapled’, to you as an individual employee so that it follows you as you change jobs.

This is different to the previous system where you were automatically placed in your new employer’s default fund if you didn't make an active choice. This is how many people have ended up with multiple super accounts.

The Federal Government has introduced super stapling with the aim of reducing account fees by stopping new super accounts being opened each time you start a new job.

If you're an employer, you have new obligations to make sure you're complying with choice of fund rules. Read our handy guide on What super stapling means for your business.

What happens when you start a new job

If you’re eligible, your new employer will offer you a choice of super fund and pay super guarantee (SG) contributions into the account you nominate. You can give your employer your current super fund details, choose to join their default fund or not make a choice at all.

From 1 November 2021, if you don’t choose a fund, your employer will contact the ATO to request your stapled fund details. The ATO will notify you that a request has been made for your stapled fund details. Your SG contributions will be paid to your stapled fund if you don’t make a choice.

If you’re a contractor, you could be treated as an employee for SG purposes. If your employer needs to pay you super but you don’t nominate a fund, they will request your stapled fund from the ATO.

Can I change funds?

You can still change funds at any time if you choose. If you decide to change funds, your new account will become your stapled fund. When you start your next job, your new employer will pay your contributions into that existing, active super account.

We’re here to help

If you have questions about super stapling and what it means for you, our team is here to help. Head to the Super stapling explained page for more information, or give the Helpline a call on 1800 640 886 between 8.00am and 7.00pm AEDT/AEST on weekdays.